10 Quotes & Sayings By Kristin Miller

Kristin Miller is a bestselling author of contemporary romance novels. Her writing is passionate, sensual, and empowering. She believes in the power of romance to help readers transcend their everyday lives. Her characters are smart, funny, and have real issues that keep them grounded in reality Read more

Whether they're working through the trials of a relationship, surviving cancer, or struggling with infertility, her characters are relatable and entertaining.

Jack may’ve been deceitful by blood and a liar by nature, but hot damn holy honeysuckle, he knew how to kiss. Kristin Miller
She couldn't detach from him, couldn't catch her breath, and didn't want to. Not ever again. Kristin Miller
As his gaze rose to her face - he bit back a gasp. "Your hair, it's - ""Red." ..."You look stunning." ..."Did I ever tell you that when I was growing up, my favorite cartoon characters was Jessica Rabbit?" ..."You always had the curves, but now, with the hair..." He blew out an exaggerated Roger Rabbit whistle. "You're a spittin' image. Kristin Miller
Hopefully by next week the classes will have paid off and I'll be cooking gourmet."" Gourmet? From your cooking?" He pushed aside his computer, grabbed a paper plate, and started scoop0ing rice. "You shouldn't be able say those things in the same sentence. Kristin Miller
The woman would be beautiful if she wasn't so deceitful, but snakes ofte3n had the most beautiful design on their scales. Kristin Miller
Since she moved in, Carter found himself in the mood for a lot of things he hadn't been before. Crispy salmon wasn't one of them. Kristin Miller
Do you remember anything about last night?" he asked. Her stomach churned as memories of the night before swam into mental view. Oh, she recalled a few things. How could she forget? She took a solid gulp of her coffee. "I remember vodka, an ax murderer, and a marriage proposal."" Good. The important things." He nodded. Kristin Miller
He dropped back into the couch cushions, stroking the condensation dripping off his glass. "You're in a pickle."" You want one?" Her eyebrows perked up, though her eyes weren't tracking well. "I think I have a jar in the fridge. Kristin Miller
She was a goddess personified, her breasts so soft and round he could've buried his head between them, suffocated, and died a happy man. Kristin Miller